Tuesday, May 29, 2012

And the verdict is....

We were up early to have everything in go position when the workers arrived.  They showed up right and time and things began to move--mostly Airstream trailers.  One, then two, then three were moved from the lot at the back to the front of the building.  Then it was our turn.  A forklift driver stopped and attached to the hitch and soon our 34 foot beauty was headed down the road, then made a dramatic back-up into a very small slot.  

We waited  patiently as the work was begun.  By ten a.m., we were thinking that the wheels were being aligned and soon we would be on our way.  Not.  About that time the news was delivered.  The wheel could not be aligned.  The axle was too badly bent.  Not only that, but the comment was made that the other wheels were not aligning either and the recommendation was presented that all three axles should be replaced.  OUCH--but not   completely unexpected.

Jim quickly made a call the the shop over in Corona that last week assured him that axles were available.  He was told that the inventory would be checked and he would be called.  We waited.   And waited.  Jim called the man back.  He was checking.  We waited some more.  How long does it take to check inventory???  Finally, almost an hour later, Jim's phone rang.  Yes, he had four axles in stock.  

We quickly unpacked the back of the truck into a holding area and headed south.  After a quick lunch, we arrived at the shop and within a half hour were back on the freeway the proud owners of three new Airstream axles.

We were back at C & G by 1 p.m.  The workers got right onto the job.  By quitting time, 4 p.m., all three axles were installed.  Two axles have wheels.  The unit was rolled back to the front of the building where we could stay the night and everyone went home.  

Sooooo such is our luck--not so good and very, very good.  It is not good that we had to replace an axle.  It is not good that we needed to replace three.  It was very good that there were three axles available within easy driving distance.  Had that not been the case, we were told it would have take up to six weeks to get axles here.  If that had been true, we would have had to go back home and given up on our summer plans.  Because of what appeared to be very bad luck, we actually ended up very lucky.  We were able to get to C & G Trailer Service where there are experienced technicians who know Airstream trailers and what to do for them.  We were able to get the axles that we need in order to continue our summer travels in a safe manner.  So tonight we are grateful and we are hoping to be headed north toward Oregon by noon tomorrow.  We won't make it there by June 1 as planned, but we should make it in time to fulfill most of our volunteer duties at Cape Blanco State Park.

Lighthouse, here we come!

1 comment:

  1. Phew! Had me on pins and needles, waiting for the bad news...and it turns out good! Have a fun, if slightly delayed, summer!
